May 14 '93

Dear Sir

The Warner Observatory has for years been opened to visitors as conditioned on the inclosed card.

Owing to the failure of Mr. Warner the observatory is no more. The instruments are dismantled to be located in the west probably in Colorado.

A magnificent 6in refractor by the Clarks is on sale here owing to the recent death of its owner. I as yet do not know the price. It is new never owing to its owners ill health having been used much. I never looked through so good a one. I start in a few days to Col. & on my return will be informed of the price. Where you get your scheme inaugurated I will if desired give you a list of the principal objects that will interest visitors.

I remember of giving in 1846 in the "old City Hall" a series of lectures on Electro Magnetism the Telegraph &c.

I stopped at a hotel kept by George Past I think on Young St not certain though. The world of science has moved since then.

Yours truly

Lewis Swift.

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