Circular of the Astronomical and Physical Society of Toronto (APST).
The exact year of issue is not known.
Cha[r]les Carpmael Esq., M.A., F.R.A.S.,
Director Toronto Observatory, President.
The Astronomical and Physical Society of Toronto was formed some years ago by a few gentlemen who had been accustomed to meet together to read papers upon scientific subjects. As its objects became known, its membership increased and, recently, with a view to placing it upon a more permanent basis, its promoters secured incorporation under a general Act which enables it to acquire and hold real and personal property, to receive donations, gifts, bequests, etc., and to act as a corporate body. Under very similar auspices, several world-renowned astronomical societies from small beginnings, advanced to a position in which they were able to render to Science services of a brilliant and enduring character.
This Society desires to promote and encourage the study of astronomy and physics in Canada. For that purpose, it proposes to acquire a valuable reference-library and suitable apparatus and instruments. Its printed Transactions will contain such Papers and Notes as shall have been approved for general circulation, and will be exchanged with a large number of Observatories and Scientific Societies. Correspondence will be conducted with distinguished professional and amateur astronomers who will be invited to contribute articles to be read to the Society and to be included in its publications.
The Society desires to be popular in the best sense of the word and, therefore, cordially invites to membership any one who takes a sincere interest in astronomical and physical matters, be his or her scientific qualifications what they may. It is confident that through the medium of its meeting and publications, an ample return will be made to its members. Fortnightly meetings are held. Papers, original or selected, are read and discussed. Candidates for admission may be proposed at any meeting. Fees $2 per annum. For a copy of the Constitution of the Society and any other information, address Mr. D. J. Howell, the Recording Secretary, at No. 218 Bleeker Street, Toronto.
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