1890s Correspondence

18911114 L.D. Proctor

Galt, Ont.

Nov. 14/91

Dear Sir.

It will give me much pleasure to show the two pictures of Jupiter, with what is apparently a shadow of the great red spot, on Monday evening.

I return from here Monday morning. I shall be at the Queens again. It is very kind of you to send for me and I shall be ready by quarter past seven -- or half past if that is time enough -- I will bring the slides with me. I have only a few instructions to give to the lanternist.

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18911104 L.D. Proctor

Queens Hotel, ???.

Nov. 4th 1891

G.E. Lumsden Esq

Dear Sir.

The thought has just occurred to me that I might possibly do a little good for your "Opera Glass Soc." by mentioning it in my lecture Friday afternoon. If you would like me to do this, will you please tell me a little about the Soc. and please tell me what details you can see on Jupiter & Saturn with an opera glass. I really have forgotten--I think this might be of interest to the young people.

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18911203 Huggins

90, UPPER TULSE HILL.S.W., London.

3 Dec. 1891

G.E. Lumsden Esq.
Corresponding Secretary

Dear Sir,

        May I ask you to convey to the Astronomical + Physical Society of Toronto my high appreciation of the honour they have conferred upon me in electing me an Honorary Member, and the assurance of the pleasure which it gives me to be associated with a Society which, I am sure, has a great future before it, and will undoubtedly contribute much to the study of Astronomy in Canada.

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1890s Letter Kirkwood

To the Astr. + Phys. Soc. of Toronto.

My Friends:

Please accpt a late No. of the Astron. + Astro-Phys. for Nov., containing a paper of my own. I have frequent communications from Kind friends in Toronto, but poor health—paralysis—compels me to neglect correspondents.

I have the honor to remain your obdt. servt.

Daniel Kirkwood.

(The exact year of this document is not known, but could probably be determined by finding the paper referenced.)

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18911215 Letter Newcomb


WASHINGTON, Dec 15, 1891.

Dear Sir;

I bet to acknowledge, with many thanks and high appreciation, my election to honorary membership of your Society. I was indisposed when your notification arrived; hence the long delay.

Very respectfully

S. Newcomb

To the Secretary
of the Astron & Physical Society

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18911028 Huggins

28 Oct. 1891


The Secretary of the Astronomical &
Physical Society of Toronto

Dear Sir,

      I feel it a great honour that your new + promising Society should have selected my name for one of your ten honorary members.

It will give me great pleasure to accept the Honorary Membership.

Believe me
Yours faithfully

William Huggins.

P.S. I thank you for the copy of the Annual Report, which has, however, not yet come to hand.

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18911024 Burnham


University of California.

Mount Hamilton, Oct 24 1891

My dear sir,

Your favor in re hon. memp of the Ast. Soc. was mislaid + should have been answered sooner. I should consider such a recognition an honor, but I am not certain that I could do much in return for the Soc. Just at present I am getting out a large lot of copy for the printer, and that with observing duties, keep me crowded all the time. Later perhaps I could do something in my line for you.

Sincerely yours

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18911012 Newcomb

WASHINGTON, Oct 12, 1891.

G.E. Lumseden
Cor. Secretary etc.

Dear Sir;

I have the pleasure to acknowledge receipt of your eltter of the 10th inquiring if I will accept honorary membership in the Astronomical and Physical Society of Toronto. In reply I beg to assure that I should highly appreciate such an honor.

Very respectfully

Simon Newcomb

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18910923 Kedzie

Office of J. H. Kedzie,
No. 6. Kedzie's Building
Nos. 120 & 122 Randolph Street.—
Chicago, Ill. Sept. 23d 1891

Thos. Lindsay Esq.
Cor. Sec. &c.

My Dear Sir

Your esteemed favour of the 11th came duly to hand. I delayed for a few days to see if I could not find time to write an article worthy of your acceptance.

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18910727 Berlin Oby

[2 pages of German]

This unintentionally amusing literal translation into barbaric English was done by a member of our Society at the time—it can be found on the last page of the document. One can only hope fellow members restrained him from responding to Dr. Foerster in German of a similar quality.—RR

Berlin, 27th July 1891

The undersigned director of the Royal Observatory of Berlin acknowledges with best thanks the receipt of the first number of your transactions with report of the year 1890/1.

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