
John Paterson

(1846-1930) Math teacher at Upper Canada College, later a lawyer; Society President (1896-97).

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Andrew Elvins

(1823-1918) One of the founding members of the society in 1868; VP 1890-91.

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Elvins AutoBiography

Autobiography of Andrew Elvins.  There are three sections in this document:

  1. Autobio dictated by Mr. Elvins to L.H. Graham in 1904.
  2. Autobio dictated by Mr. Elvins to C.A. Chant in 1913 (transcription of #3).
  3. Original Shorthand version of #2.

The text of these autobiographies appear on the two pages following this one.

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George Lumsden 1901

George Lumsden, summer 1901.

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Eclipse Air Temps.

Curve of temperatures, in direct sunshines. Sky clear, with a few very light cirrhus clouds, almost invisible, which however caused the irregularities of the curve. Observations only began at 8h.44, when the eclipse was well advanced.

Scale. Two divisions, vertical, to each degree Fahr.
One division, horizontal, to each minute.

Toronto, May 28'–1900. Portion of sun eclipsed 81 per cent.

Arthur Harvey.

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19000620 Letter Wallace

A letter from Alfred Russell Wallace to J.R. Collins on 1903 June 20.

Broudstone, Dorset.
June 20, 1903

J.R. Collins Esq.

Dear Sir

Many thanks for your very interesting letter + the paper + photos of the Nova Persei Neb.

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Labrador Expedition 1905

Photo album of the Canadian eclipse expedition to Hamilton Inlet, Labrador in August 1905.

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Early Star Party #3

The refracting telescope (1901) at left survives, and is resident in the Society's national office in Toronto.

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Early Star Party #2

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Scrapbook 1905

Background information on this scrapbook from Randy Attwood (Mississauga):

It was created by J.E. Maybee (see the group picture on page 13.) It was donated to the Toronto Centre in the 1980's by his son. I was the Toronto Centre President back then—I got a call from Mr Maybee who lived in Oakville—he was in his 80's—he had something to donate to the centre. He donated the scrapbook and the telescope that his father took to view the eclipse.

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