Burke-Gaffney, Eaton, Sagan


Our honorary president, Rev. M.W. Burke- Gaffney, Cyrus Eaton,and Carl Sagan meet at Wallace Bridge, Nova Scotia, the birth place of Simon Newcomb, on July 9 1972, one day prior to the last total eclipse in this province for 107 years. (photo by R.L. Bishop; from Nova Notes, Nov-Dec 1977.)

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252 College St. 19721027 Library #2

The library at RASC National Office (252 College Street, Toronto) on 1972 October 27. Photo by Norman Green.

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252 College St. 19721027 Library #1

The library at RASC National Office on 1972 October 27. Photo by Norman Green.

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252 College St. 19721027 Office

Rosemary Freeman, RASC Executive Secretary. Photo taken on 1972 October 27. Photo taken by Norman Green.

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Inuvik Expedition 1972

John Howell and RASC Calgary Centre members on an eclipse expedition to Inuvik NWT on 1972 July 9.

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Murphy Strikes Again

On the night of July 9,1972, I fell asleep in my tent under the starry skies of Les Méchins, Québec. Great expectations filled my soul, as,tomorrow, the shadow of the Moon would sweep down on me, creating a total solar eclipse. My plan was to provide television coverage, by means of video-tape, for the many people back home in Hamilton. Assured by my Technical Director, Al Bauld, that the equipment was in perfect order, slumber came easily.

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Edmonton Early Years

The Earlier Years of the Edmonton Centre, by E.S. Keeping.

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GA Group Photo - 1972

Photo courtesy of Vic Gaizauskas.

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GA 1972 Luncheon

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