1979 - London
May 18 - 21
- Chair: Peter Jedicke
- Attendance: 192
- Ruth Northcott Lecturer: Gerard K. O'Neill (Space Colonization)
- Invitation: NNL, v73 L82-83 | NNL v73 #2 Cover.
- Schedule: NNL v73 L14.
- Call for Papers: NNL, v73 L79-80.
- Registration: NNL v73 L16 | NNL v73 L15 (en français).
- Displays: NNL v73 L13-14 (en français).
- Reports: Regulus, Jun 1979, pp. 1-2 (38kb) | NNL 73 L54-6.
- Abstracts: NNL, v73 L61-63.
- Display Winners: NNL, v73 L57-58.
- Papers:
- The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope; an Opportunity for Canadian Astronomers, Dr. W.H. Wehlau
- The Ottawa Centre’s Radio Telescope, Ken Tapping (Ottawa) NNL
- Radio Observations of the February 1979 Solar Eclipse, Ken Tapping (Ottawa) NNL
- Nova Cygni 1978, Warren Morrison
- Astronomy, Navigation and Nova Scotia in the Eighteenth Century, Randall C. Brooks (Halifax)
- Project Zubenelgenubi 1978, Gerald Schieven (London) NNL
- The Construction of a Lensless Schmidt Camera, or A Project without an Objective, Michael P. Edwards
- Very Small Computers Applied to Astronomy, J. Don Jones
- Flamsteed’s Mysterious Star, 3 Cas, Peter Broughton (Toronto)
- Exploring Planet Earth, Norman Sperling (USA)
- An Astronomy Programme for Young Children, David H. Levy (Kingston)
- RASCH Observations of Delta Cephei, Walter Zukauskas (Halifax)
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