1981 - Victoria
June 26 - 29
- Chair: Not available
- Attendance: Not available
- Ruth Northcott Lecturer: J.E. Hesser
(Below the Tip: New Controversies in Globular Cluster Star Research) [JRASC]
- Inv'n/Reg'n: NNL v75 L16 | NNL v75 L15 (en français).
- Photos: NNL, v75 L49.
- Report: NNL, v75 L50-52.
- Report: Regulus, Aug-Sep 1981, pg. 1 (51kb).
- Abstracts: NNL, v75 L58-60.
- Papers:
- An Observatory Building Project, Leo Enright (Kingston)
- The Orion Nebular Variable Stars: A Symphony of Delicacy and Brilliance, David H. Levy (Kingston)
- The Effect of Astronomical Influence on Geological Events, Richard Linkletter (USA)
- Eye Injuries following the Solar Eclipse of February 1979, Bernt Ralph Chou (Toronto)
- A Small Collection of Antique Instruments at the McLaughlin Planetarium, Thomas R. Clarke
- An Account of the 6-inch Cooke Refractor in Toronto, Brian Beattie (Toronto)
- Cleveland Abbe and Otto Struve, Alan H. Batten (DAO)
- Astronomical Installations in Britain – Ancient and Modern, Donovan H. Fallows
- Some Activities in Communicating Astronomy at the McLaughlin Planetarium, Thomas R. Clarke
- Transporting a 12½ -inch Newtonian Telescope, Ken Hewitt-White (Vancouver)
- Driving Ball-Mount Telescopes, Tom Tothill (Vancouver)
- Solid-State Imagery for the Amateur, Paul Moffat (Winnipeg)
- A Cold Camera for Astrophotography, Jack Newton (Victoria)
- Dimensions of Asteroids 216 Kleopatra and 48 Doris from Occulation Timings, Chris Aikman (DAO)
- July’s Partial Eclipse of the Moon, Ian McGregor (Toronto)
- Editing a Centre Newsletter, Glenn Graham (Halifax)
- Economic Considerations for the Future of Optical Astronomy, Peter Jedicke (London)