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Beaver Hills Dark Sky Preserve 1st Anniversary

The first anniversary celebration of the signing of the Beaver Hills Dark-Sky Preserve declaration was held in Central Alberta at Elk Island National Park, on September 2, 2007. Whereas the RASC Edmonton Centre did the majority of organizing for last year’s inaugural event: ‘Many Cultures, One Sky’; Parks Canada staff did most of the organizing for 2007. The event was well attended with several hundred guests, a lower key event compared to last year’s gate count of over 2,500!

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"Canada in Space" Published by Victoria Centre Member

Congratulations are in order for Chris Gainor, member of the Victoria Centre and former National Council representative who has recently published a new book entitled: Canada In Space: The People & Stories behind Canada's Role in the Exploration of Space.

Canada In Space follows the inventions and people that helped catapult Canada beyond Earth's skies. From the Avro Arrow and early Canadian inventions like the Alouette I to modern day shuttle missions with Canadian astronauts including Julie Payette, Chris Hadfield and Marc Garneau.

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Discover the Universe! Our popular astronomy workshops for teachers are back!

Discover the Universe



Our popular astronomy workshops for teachers are back!






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University of Saskatchewan Observatory

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The Sky This Month - September 2013

Look High To The Eagle In The Sky

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The Perseid meteor shower is set to light up the sky tonight!

Each year between late July and early August, the Earth passes through comet Swift-Tuttle’s debris. The debris (mostly bits of dust) burn up in the atmosphere and the result can be a spectacular meteor shower. One of the best opportunities for viewing will be across the northern hemisphere between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. tonight (August 12). Look toward the northeast (Perseus), but expect to see the meteors in any part of the sky.


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The Sky This Month - August 2013

Mysterious Ophiuchus

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RASC Designates North Frontenac Township, Ontario as a New Dark Sky Preserve

TORONTO, CANADA (Aug. 2, 2013) – On June 28, 2013 the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC) officially designated North Frontenac Township (NFT) as a new RASC Dark Sky Preserve through its National Certification Program. NFT is the 16th Dark Sky Preserve in Canada, and the first Municipality to be designated by the RASC.

North Frontenac Township is in eastern Ontario, southwest of Ottawa and northwest of Kingston.

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RASC Designates Wood Buffalo National Park as a New Dark Sky Preserve

RASC Designates Wood Buffalo National Park as a New Dark Sky Preserve

TORONTO, CANADA (Aug 2, 2013) – On June 28, 2013 the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC) officially designated Wood Buffalo National Park as a new RASC Dark Sky Preserve through its National Certification Program. Wood Buffalo is the 17th Dark Sky Preserve in Canada, and the first northern park, to be designated by the RASC.

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Sir John Herschel's library... in Toronto!

A sizeable portion of famed astronomer Sir John Herschel's library has turned up in Toronto! Thanks to the dedicated sleuthing of RASC historian Peter Broughton, hundreds of volumes from William Herschels' son's Collingwood library have been identified in the University of Toronto library system. Many of the volumes contain Sir John's own annotations.

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