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The Sky This Month - December 2014

The River Eridanus

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Leonids over Silver City

Calgary Centre member Alan Dyer and his photo of Leonid meteors was featured on the NBC News site here:


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November Ottawa Centre Streaming Live

Please join us online tonight from 8 to 10 p.m. eastern time as we stream our monthly meeting over the Internet. Tonight's agenda includes:

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The Sky This Month - November 2014

The Lizard And The King

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2014 Observer's Handbook recognized!

Handbook coverThe RASC 2014 Observer's Handbook was recognized by Orion's Top Ten Astronomy Books for Beginners List!

From the article:

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RASC Presence at annual 65th International Astronautical Congress

RASC Executive Director Randy Attwood attended the 65th annual IAC meeting Sept 30th 2014. A presentation was made to members of various like-organizations such as The Canadian Space Society and The Planetary Society. In attendance was Canadian astronaut Jeremey Hanson.

Crowd at IAC

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The Sky This Month - October 2014

A Month of Eclipses

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Ottawa Centre in the News

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The Sky This Month - September 2014

The Summer Triangle – part 2

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