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Open Letter to the Honourable Marc Garneau regarding the use of Green Laser Pointers

This letter was sent to the Honourable Marc Garneau, Minster Transport regarding the safe use of Green Laser Pointers.

Randy Attwood

Executive Director

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The Sky This Month - February 2018

Lepus the Hare

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RASC Sesquicentennial Celebration Kickoff

RASC—Eyes on the Universe for 150 Years


2018 is a banner year for The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC), as it marks the 150th year since the Society's inception. That is reason enough for Canada's leading association of amateur and professional astronomers to celebrate the past and future course of astronomy in this country.

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The Sky This Month - January 2018

Canis Major

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The Sky This Month - December 2017

Taurus the Bull

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The Sky This Month - November 2017


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The Sky This Month - October 2017


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The Sky This Month - September 2017

Late Summer Observing

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The Sky This Month - August 2017

The Long-Awaited Eclipse

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The Sky This Month - June 2017

Ursa Major

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