William Warren

(1902-) An active observer in the Montreal Centre; received the Service Award in 1966.

WILLIAM A. WARREN (1902 - ) became active in the Montreal Centre, first as a member of the telescope-making class in 1950 and somewhat later as meteor observer and participant in the AAVSO Nova search program. He also took part in lunar and planetary work and was chairman of the Centre's fireball and meteor section. Bill Warren was on the Montreal Centre Council from 1955 to '66, being President from '62 to '65. He chaired the Committee which organized the Montreal convention of the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers (ALPO) in 1962. When he received the Society's Service Award in 1966, he was commended for the many hours he devoted to instructing Boy Scouts and Girl Guides in preparation for their astronomy badges.

Peter Broughton (from Looking Up)

Warren, William A.