Please join us online tonight from 8 to 10 p.m. eastern time as we stream our monthly meeting over the Internet. Tonight's agenda includes:

Exploring Epsilon Aurigae. Every 27 years something very interesting happens to Epsilon Aurigae - it dims from an apparent magnitude of of +2.9 to +3.8. But there are several hundred thousand variable stars and related systems that dim in the night sky, so why should Epsilon Aurigae attract our attention? What makes Epsilon Aurigae interesting is that the dimming can last up to 730 days!  Richard Alexandrowich shares his findings from a review of the latest research (15 minute presentation).

Star Doctor: Measuring the changing temperature of a star.Using simple backyard amateur astronomy equipment it is quite easy to measure the brightness of the stars we can see in our telescopes. With very little more effort we can also measure their temperatures. But what about variable stars? Ottawa RASC member Rick Wagner will describe how to diagnose the changing state of health of stars that change in brightness with time.

In addition to the above, regular meeting features include:

  • A short overview of prominent objects to observe in the November sky.
  • Observer images including several must-see images and videos of massive sunspot complex AR2192!


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Clear skies.

Gary Boyle

eNews date: 
Friday, November 7, 2014