Candidate Statements for the RASC Board of Directors are at

A short summary follows:
Each year the Term of three Directors of the Board ends, and this year Randy BoddamCharles Ennis, and Colin Haig see their three-year terms come to an end. All three Directors are eligible to stand for re-election, and both Charles Ennis and Colin Haig have elected to do so.

Nominations for the RASC Board of Directors closed April 30, and by that time, we had two additional candidates, Anthony Gucciardo, President of the Yukon Centre, and Dr. Rob Thacker of the Halifax Centre. We were also informed in April by James Edgar that he would be stepping down from his role on the Board for personal reasons as of GA 2017, ending his term early. As a result, it appeared that all positions would be filled by acclamation and no election would be required.

In May, we confirmed that Susan Yeo, on leave from the Board since November 2016, would also be ending her term early for personal reasons leaving an additional unfilled vacancy. This additional position is to be filled by Michael Watson, by acclamation.

Your new Board of Directors, effective 2017 July 2, will be Craig LevineCharles EnnisColin HaigChris GainorAnthony GucciardoHeather LairdRob ThackerMichael Watson, and Robyn Foret.

On behalf of the Nominating Committee, The Board, and The Society, I would like to thank James EdgarRandy Boddam, and Susan Yeo for their service to the Society. Please be sure to thank them individually as circumstance permits; serving the Society in this capacity takes dedication, commitment, and sometimes a thick skin, and all have served us well.

Robyn Foret

2nd Vice-President

Royal Astronomical Society of Canada

eNews date: 
Saturday, May 27, 2017