AGM 2022



Annual General Meeting

of The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada

Sunday, June 26, 2022

19:00 – 21:00 EDT

16:00 – 18:00 PDT

The meeting will take place virtually, via ZOOM


To register for the AGM login to your account, and follow the link posted in "Latest News & Events".



1. Minutes of the 2021 Annual General Meeting

(Draft Minutes Linked Below)

2. Reports of Officers

President (Robyn Foret), Secretary (Eric Briggs), Treasurer (Catherine Carr), Executive Director (Dr. Philip Groff)

Audited 2021 Financial Statement

3. Reports of Permanent Committees

AstroImaging (Stuart Heggie), Awards (Dr. Chris Gainor), Constitution (Michael Watson), Education (Laurie Roche), Editorial Board (Dr. Chris Gainor), History (Randall Rosenfeld), Inclusivity and Diversity (Roland Dechesne), Information Technology (Walter MacDonald), LightPollution Abatement (Bob King), NextGen RASC (Lucas Kuhn and Ivan Tokovski), Nominating (Michael Watson), Observing (Blake Nancarrow)

4. Reports of Other Committees

Dorner Telescope Museum (Randall Rosenfeld), Robotic Telescope (Samantha Jewett), Solar Eclipse (Randy Attwood), General Assemblies (Randy Attwood)

5. Election of Board of Directors

Candidate Statement 1

Candidate Statement 2

6. Motion re: By-Law Amendment

(Draft Document)

7. Election of Auditor

8. Other Business

9. Adjournment


Register HERE!


Have you purchased your ticket to attend this year's, General Assembly? Visit to learn more about the GA and purchase tickets.