Asteroid (157421) Carolpercy

Discovered by T. Glinos, D. Levy and W. Levy at Jarnac.

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Asteroid (157194) Saddlemyer

Named in honour of Leslie K. Saddlemyer (b. 1959), a systems engineer at the Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics of the National Research Council of Canada. He is currently the project manager for the Gemini Planetary Imager and has been responsible for the care and maintenance of the 1.82-m Plaskett Telescope at the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory.

Orbit type: Main Belt

Reference: MPC 60302

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Asteroid (154660) Kavelaars

John J. Kavelaars (b. 1966) is an associate research officer at the Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics of the National Research Council of Canada and a co-discoverer of several dozen irregular satellites of the outer planets.

Orbit Type: Hungaria

Reference: MPC 59925

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Asteroid (150145) UVic

Named in honour of the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada. Widely recognized for leadership in research, inspired teaching and community engagement, UVic provides innovative programs and real-life learning experiences for its students. It is home to the Climenhaga Observatory, mainly used for observing variable stars and for searching for Earth-bound comets and asteroids.

Orbit type: Main Belt

Reference: MPC 59925

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Asteroid (100596) Perrett

Kathryn M. Perrett (b. 1971) is an authority in the field of galactic dynamics, formation and evolution of galaxies, and a friend and much-valued colleague of the discoverer.

Reference: MPC 55989

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Asteroid (100416) SYang

Named in honour of Stephenson Yang (b. 1954) who is one of the Canadian pioneers in the search for planetary companions to nearby stars from precise radial velocities and contributed to the discovery of two such planets.

Reference: MPC 55989

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Asteroid (99906) Uofalberta

The University of Alberta was founded in 1908 in Edmonton, and is one of the leading research institutions in Canada. The initials of its motto "Quaecumque Vera" (Whatsoever things are true) appropriately appear in the provisional designation for this minor planet.

Reference: MPC 54830

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Asteroid (96193) Edmonton

Edmonton is the capital city of the province of Alberta. It was founded in 1795 as a trading post, and celebrated the centennial of its incorporation as a city in 2004. Edmonton is well-known as a cultural, government, and educational centre.

Reference: MPC 54829

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Asteroid (96192) Calgary

Calgary is the largest city in the province of Alberta. It was founded in 1875 as a post of the North West Mounted Police, and was incorporated as a city in 1894. Calgary's rapid economic growth is due largely to the petroleum industry, agriculture, and tourism.

Reference: MPC 54829

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Asteroid (85200) Johnhault

John A. Hault (b. 1946, d. 2013) was Curator of Edmonton's Queen Elizabeth Planetarium when, in the mid-1970s, he recognized the need for a major science center. He played the major role in developing the project, and served as the first Director of the Edmonton Space Sciences Centre (later called the Odyssium and now the Telus World of Science) when it opened in 1984.

Reference: MPC 54177

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