Shooting for the Moon Webinar


Celebrate humanity’s return to the Moon and International Astronomy Day with the RASC! 


Join us on May 7th, 2022 our special event, Shooting For the Moon, a National Virtual Star Party. 


The party begins at 7 pm EDT on Zoom with a pre-recorded talk and a live Q&A with Canadian Astronaut David Saint-Jacques from the Rio Tinto Alcan Planetarium in Montreal!

Following the Q&A, at 8 pm EDT, we will start our National Livestream on both Zoom and Youtube, featuring live views of the Moon from across Canada, RASC Member’s moon content, and more!

Want a chance to be featured in the Livestream?

We want to hear from you what you are most excited about in this new phase of lunar exploration! Share a 15-30 second video of you telling us what this new phase in lunar exploration means to you.