Michael S F Watson, unattached life member RASC
Profile Type:
Astronomy Ambassador
Speaking Topics:
"Under Southern Skies", Sept. 2018 (a tour of the southern skies as photographed from Australia, May 2018)
"There's No Place Like Home", July 2018 (astrophotographic presentation about our milky Way galaxy delivered at the General Assembly in Calgary)
"Astrophotography with portable mounts", 2016 (astrophotography from handheld to equipment such as tripods, tracking mounts, and larger equatorial mounts)
"Photographing the Moon", 2015 (techniques and equipment for producing good quality photographs of Earth's natural satellite)
Can deliver other talks similar to the above:
Willing to consider creating a custom presentation:
Starting Airport:
Regional Availability:
Newfoundland and Labrador
Maritime Provinces
Eastern Ontario and Montreal
Central Ontario
Far North
Southwestern Ontario
Northeastern Ontario
Northwestern Ontario
Northern Alberta
Southern Alberta
Northern and Central BC
Lower Mainland
Victoria and Sunshine Coast
Target Audiences:
General audiences (adults)
Astronomy enthusiasts
English only

I am a life member of the RASC, having joined in 1970. I am a observational astronomer, and my main interests are solar eclipses and astrophotography. I am a member of the Society's Board of directors, and have been awarded the Society's Service Award and Simon Newcomb Award.
I regularly speak at General Assenblies and at various centres, about eclipses and astrophotogrpahy. I am a very experienced public speaker both in my profession (law) and astronomy.