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Awards deadline

Awards Deadline

The Awards Committee needs your input -- now is the time to nominate that special person in your Centre, or that unsung hero, whoever it may be. Nominations will be accepted up to and including 2016 December 31. Don't hesitate, grab a pen and jot down the details about that special person -- what makes him or her deserving of nationwide recognition.

Send nominations by email to the RASC Awards Committee <awards@lists.rasc.ca>

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The Sky This Month - September 2016

Our Neighbouring Galaxy

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Volunteers Wanted - Information Technology Committee

The Information Technology is looking for volunteers to help out with a number of support and development projects that we have underway. We are looking for skilled individuals with a command of PHP and web technologies to assist with a number of projects including:

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The Sky This Month - August 2016

Summer Time Treats part 2

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The Sky This Month - July 2016

Summer Time Treats part 1

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The Sky This Month - June 2016

Bootes The Herdsman

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RASC Centres provide views of May 9 Transit of Mercury

Several RASC Centres are providing opportunities for the public to observe the rare transit of Mercury on Monday May 9, 2016.

Mercury will take over seven hours to move across the face of the Sun. The planet will appear as a small black dot silhouetted on the Sun''s face. 


Transit of Mercury – Monday May 9, 2016

Planned Public Observing Sites

Edmonton Centre

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New RASC Centre

It seems appropriate on this May the Fourth, to welcome the Yukon Astronomical Society into the fold of the RASC. Our Board voted yesterday to approve their application to join us as the RASC Yukon Centre.
Let's give a big "Welcome" to our 29th Centre!


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Canadian Astrophotography School at AstroCATS

Many of you have never attended a National GA. The assembly of RASC members from across Canada will take place in London from May 19 to the 23rd. If you love astronomy the way I do, then attending one of these conferences is a absolute mandatory bucket list item. Plus it's only $20 a day to attend, and that price includes Astrocats if you attend on the Saturday or Sunday.

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The Sky This Month - May 2016

Leo Major, Virgo and The Mercury Transit

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