Honorary Member: Henry Harrison

Henry Harrison self-published a book of the Moon in 1880, and financed some expensive lithographs of our natural satellite, with an 18-inch disc. He donated one of these to the Meaford Astronomical Society in 1898, and presented some copies to J.R. Collins for the benefit of the RASC in 1912. Harrison also painted a portrait in 1890 of Prof. C.H.F. Peters, recently deceased director of Litchfield Observatory, Hamilton College, Clinton NY. It seems that Harrison was familiar with the dynamic Prof. Peters and his work in ruling out the possibility of the intra-Mercurial planet "Vulcan". Harrison's notes were published a number of times in the Sidereal Messenger, a general astronomy magazine edited by W.W. Payne at Carleton College Observatory in Minnesota in the 1880s.

Mr. Harrison was elected an associate member of the Astronomical and Physical Society of Toronto on 1897-01-05, and he did correspond with Canadian amateur astronomers.

At a council meeting on 1913-12-13, it was moved by Dr. A.D. Watson, seconded by Mr. L. Gilchrist that Mr. Henry Harrison, Jersey City (165 Clinton Ave) New Jersey, be made an Honorary member of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada.


In the Journal of the RASC, the following notice appeared on p.44 of the 1921 volume:

Reproductions of the Moon for Sale

Some years ago Mr. Henry Harrison made a good painting of the moon from direct observations in the telescope, and at considerable expense had lithographic copies made of it. The age of the moon is about three days, and the plates are about two feet square. Mr. Harrison is now becoming advanced in years and would be glad to dispose of the copies still on hand. The price is $1 and copies may be obtained by addressing the office of the Society, 198 College St., Toronto, or directly from the painter, at 165 Clinton Ave., Jersey City, N.J.

Mr. Harrison's passing was noted in the minutes of the annual meeting of the RASC of 1930-01-14.

Title/Given Name: 
Mr. Henry