Web Links

The Observer’s Handbook contains a number of recommended links to additional astronomy resources. This page includes live hyperlinks that will allow you to access these resources more easily. Happy exploring!

  • Access the websites listed in Selected Internet Resources on page 15 of the 2024 Observer’s Handbook.
  • Access all the websites listed in the 2024 Observer’s Handbook, listed by page.
  • Access the websites listed in in the body of the 2024 USA Edition Observer’s Handbook where they differ from the Standard Edition.

Selected Internet Resources

From Page 15 of the 2024 Observer’s Handbook

aavso.org American Association of Variable Star Observers (p. 296)
asc-csa.gc.ca Canadian Space Agency
astronomerswithoutborders.org Astronomers Without Borders
astronomy.com Astronomy Magazine (p. 10)
astrosociety.org Astronomical Society of the Pacific (p. 18)
badastronomy.substack.com/welcome Phil Plait’s “Bad Astronomy” site
cbat.eps.harvard.edu/index.html International Astronomical Union Central Bureau (p. 7); see also iau.org
cleardarksky.com/csk Clear Sky Chart, by Attilla Danko (p. 78)
fireball.amsmeteors.org/members/imo/report_intro/ American Meteor Society (p. 256)
heavens-above.com Satellite tracking information, including ISS (p. 38)
hubblesite.org Hubble Heritage Site, access to HST images
images.nasa.gov NASA Image and Video Library
imo.net International Meteor Organization (p. 254)
jpl.nasa.gov Jet Propulsion Laboratory, activities for adults and kids
MrEclipse.com Eclipse photography and safety (p. 143)
nasa.gov/international-space-station NASA site giving current information on ISS
nasa.gov/space-shuttle Archive of Space Shuttle information
ned.ipac.caltech.edu NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (p. 332)
occultations.org International Occultation Timing Association (p. 162)
planetary.org Planetary Society—contains over 2000 pages of information about space exploration
rasc.ca The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (p. 7)
rasc.ca/handbook Observer’s Handbook website (inside front cover
saguaroastro.org Saguaro Astronomy Club, includes observing list database (p. 87)
seds.org Students for the Exploration and Development of Space
simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad SIMBAD astronomical database
skyandtelescope.org Sky&Telescope and Sky Publishing (p. 10)
skynews.ca SkyNews-Canada’s astronomy magazine published by the RASC (p. 10)
spaceflight.nasa.gov NASA space flight site giving current information on ISS activities and human space flight
stsci.edu Space Telescope Science Institute; access to Digitized Sky Survey
syfy.com/tags/bad-astronomy Phil Plait’s "Bad Astronomy" site
ui.adsabs.harvard.edu NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS); bibliographic database, access to millions of articles
vizier.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/VizieR VizieR service; access to most astronomical catalogues

Web Resources

Page-by-Page Listing of Web Resources, other than page 15 of the 2024 Observer’s Handbook

wis-tns.weizmann.ac.il//user/register p. 7 Transient Name Server
minorplanetcenter.net/iau/info/TechInfo.html p. 7 Minor Planet Reports
fireflybooks.com p. 10 Firefly Books
astrosociety.org p. 10 Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
link.springer.com p. 10 Springer
iopscience.iop.org p. 10 Institute of Physics
deep-sky-atlas.com p. 10 interstellarum Deep Sky Atlas
apple.com/itunes p. 10 Apple iTunes
microsoft.com/en-us/store/apps/windows p. 10 Windows Store
market.android.com p. 10 Android Market
portico.org/stable?au=pgg3ztf87mt p. 10 Andrew Fraknoi’s article in Astronomy Education Review
darkskyproject.co.nz p. 11 Dark Sky Project—Lake Tekapo, New Zealand
sidingspring.com.au p. 11 Australian Astronomical Observatory—Siding Spring, Australia
rsaa.anu.edu.au/observatories/mount-stromlo-observatory p. 11 Mount Stromlo Observatory—Canberra, Australia
perthobservatory.com.au p. 11 Perth Observatory—Bickley, Australia
sarao.ac.za p. 11 MeerKAT Observatory—Carnarvon, South Africa
mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/effelsberg p. 11 Effelsberg Radio Telescope—Effelsberg, Germany


p. 11 Greenwich Observatory—Greenwich, England
jodrellbank.net p. 11 Lovell Radio Telescope—Jodrell Bank, England
armagh.space p. 11 Armagh Observatory—Armagh, Northern Ireland
birrcastle.com/telescope-astronomy p. 11 “Leviathan” Great Telescope—Birr, Ireland
ing.iac.es p. 11 Isaac Newton Telescope—La Palma, Canary Islands

p. 11 Butterpot Star Party—Butter Pot Prov. Park, Newfoundland
observatory.smu.ca p. 11 Burke-Gaffney Observatory—Halifax, Nova Scotia

p. 11 Nova East—Smileys Provincial Park, Nova Scotia

p. 11 St. Croix Observatory—St. Croix, Nova Scotia
deepskyeye.com p. 11 Deep Sky Eye Observatory—Quinan, Nova Scotia
eso.org/public/teles-instr/paranal-observatory p. 11 Paranal Observatory (ESO)—Cerro Paranal, Chile
lco.cl p. 11 Las Campanas Observatory—Cerro Las Campanas, Chile
eso.org/sci/facilities/lasilla.html p. 11 La Silla Observatory—Cerro La Silla, Chile
gemini.edu p. 11 Gemini South Observatory—Cerro Pachon, Chile
noirlab.edu/public/programs/ctio p. 11 Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory—Cerro Tololo, Chile
omm-astro.ca p. 11 Mont Mégantic Observatory—Mont Mégantic, Québec
stellafane.com p. 11 Stellafane—Springfield, Vermont
astronomielaval.org p. 11 Laval Observatory—Laval, Québec
astrosurf.com/cdadfs/cafta.html p. 12 CAFTA—St-Timothée, Québec

p. 12 Bellevue Observatory—Montréal, Québec
richmondhill.ca/en/david-dunlap-observatory.aspx p. 12 David Dunlap Observatory—Richmond Hill, Ontario


p. 12 Green Bank Telescope—Green Bank, West Virginia
hamiltonrasc.ca/club-observatory/ p. 12 Hamilton Centre Observatory—Waterdown, Ontario
pitt.edu/~aobsvtry p. 12 Allegheny Observatory—Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

p. 12 Carr Astronomical Observatory—Collingwood, Ontario
nyaa.ca/starfest.htm p. 12 Starfest—Mount Forest, Ontario
sno.phy.queensu.ca p. 12 Sudbury Neutrino Observatory—Creighton, Ontario
cronyn.uwo.ca p. 12 Hume Cronyn Memorial Observatory—London, Ontario
www.scas.org/winter-star-party/index.cfm p. 12 Winter Star Party—Camp Wesumkee, Florida
manitoulinecopark.com/darksky p. 12 Manitoulin Star Party—Gordon’s Park, Ontario

p. 12 Hallam Observatory—Comber, Ontario
greatlakesstargaze.com p. 12 Great Lakes Star Gaze—Gladwin, Michigan
bootlegastronomy.com p. 12 Bootleg Star Party—Green River State Wildlife Area, Illinois

p. 12 Macalester Observatory—St. Paul, Minnesota
texasstarparty.org p. 12 Texas Star Party—Fort Davis, Texas
mcdonaldobservatory.org p. 12 McDonald Observatory—Fort Davis, Texas
regina.rasc.ca/ observatory-tours p. 12 Kalium Observatory—Regina, Saskatchewan
apo.nmsu.edu p. 12 Apache Point Observatory—Sunspot, New Mexico

p. 12 Sleaford Observatory—Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
public.nrao.edu/telescopes/vla p. 12 Very Large Array—Socorro, New Mexico
sssp.saskatoon.rasc.ca p. 12 Saskatchewan Summer Star Party—Cypress Hills Park, Sask.
skycenter.arizona.edu p. 12 Steward Observatory—Tucson, Arizona
tinyurl.com/2vsnt3j7 p. 13 Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory—Amado, Arizona
visitkittpeak.org p. 13 Kitt Peak National Observatory—Tucson, Arizona
lowell.edu p. 13 Lowell Observatory—Flagstaff, Arizona
calgary.rasc.ca/wp/?page_id=2018 p. 13 Alberta Star Party—Caroline, Alberta
calgary.rasc.ca/tourrequest.htm p. 13 Wilson Coulee Observatory—Okotoks, Alberta
astro.caltech.edu/palomar p. 13 Palomar Observatory—San Diego, California
jasperdarksky.travel p. 13 Jasper Dark-Sky Festival—Jasper, Alberta
mtwilson.edu p. 13 Mt. Wilson Observatory—Pasadena, California
tmspa.com p. 13 Table Mountain Star Party—Eden Valley, Oroville, Washington
tinyurl.com/yyzaal67 p. 13 Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory—Penticton, B.C.
mksp.ca p. 13 Mount Kobau Star Party—Osoyoos, British Columbia
oregonstarparty.org p. 13 Oregon Star Party—Ochoco National Forest, Oregon
parks.state.wa.us/512/Goldendale-Observatory p. 13 Goldendale Observatory—Goldendale, Washington
pmo-sun.uoregon.edu p. 13 Pine Mountain Observatory—Pine Mountain, Oregon
pgrasc.org/wp p. 13 Prince George Centre Observatory—Prince George, British Columbia
spacecentre.ca/gordon-southam-observatory p. 13 Gordon Southam Observatory—Vancouver, B.C.
centreoftheuniverse.org/ p. 13 Dominion Astrophysical Observatory—Victoria, British Columbia
starfinders.ca/island-star-party p. 13 Cowichan Valley Star Party—Bright Angel Regional Park, B.C.
yukonastronomy.com p. 13 Yukon Star Party—Takhini Hot Springs, Whitehorse, Yukon
eaobservatory.org/jcmt/ p. 13 James Clerk Maxwell Telescope—Mauna Kea, Hawaii
cfht.hawaii.edu p. 13 Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope—Mauna Kea, Hawaii
gemini.edu/pio/ p. 13 Gemini North—Mauna Kea, Hawaii
colorado.edu/fiske p. 13 Fiske Planetarium—Boulder, Colorado


p. 13 TELUS Spark—Calgary, Alberta
adlerplanetarium.org p. 13 Adler Planetarium—Chicago, Illinois
starhop.com p. 14 McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center—Concord, New Hampshire
telusworldofscienceedmonton.ca p. 14 TELUS World of Science—Edmonton, Alberta
astronomynovascotia.ca/index.php/planetarium p. 14 Halifax Planetarium—Halifax, Nova Scotia
physics.mcmaster.ca/planetarium p. 14 W.J. McCallion Planetarium—Hamilton, Ontario
hmns.org/burke-baker-planetarium/ p. 14 Burke Baker Planetarium—Houston

p. 14 Samuel Oschin Planetarium—Los Angeles

p. 14 ASTROLab du Mont Mégantic—Mont Mégantic, Québec

p. 14 Planétarium de Montréal—Montréal, Québec
mysticseaport.org/explore/planetarium p. 14 Treworgy Planetarium—Mystic
amnh.org/our-research/hayden-planetarium p. 14 Hayden Planetarium—New York
omsi.edu/planetarium p. 14 Harry C. Kendall Planetarium—Portland
slsc.org p. 14 James S. McDonnell Planetarium—St. Louis
laurentian.ca/planetarium p. 14 Doran Planetarium—Sudbury
www.ontariosciencecentre.ca/what-s-on p. 14 Ontario Science Centre—Toronto
spacecentre.ca p. 14 MacMillan Planetarium—Vancouver
si.edu/theaters/planetarium p. 14 Albert Einstein Planetarium—Washington, D.C.
northernlightscentre.ca p. 14 Northern Lights—Watson Lake, Yukon


sfsciencecenter.org/planetarium-shows p. 14 Aldrin Planetarium—West Palm Beach
manitobamuseum.ca/main/visit/planetarium/ p. 14 Manitoba Planetarium—Winnipeg
jpl.nasa.gov/edu/teach/activity/make-a-crater p. 17 Making Moon Craters
www.rasc.ca/world-asterism-project p. 17 World Asterism Project

p. 18 Toilet Roll Solar System
www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLgwEy6ANP0 p. 18 Make a Comet
www.rasc.ca/classroom-help p. 18 Classroom Help for Teachers
w.rasc.ca/schoolclubs p. 18 School Clubs
www.rasc.ca/skyways p. 18 Skyways, Astronomy Handbook for Teachers
secure.rasc.ca/store/category/rasc-publications p. 18 RASC Publications
www.discovertheuniverse.ca p. 18 Discover the Universe Training Programs
astroedu.iau.org p. 18 AstroEDU – Educational site from the IAU
asc-www.asc-csa.gc.ca/eng/youth-educators p. 18 Canadian Space Agency—Resources for the Young
www.nativeskywatchers.com p. 18 Native Skywatchers
aavso.org/greek-letters p. 19 Greek letters spelling variations
ssd.jpl.nasa.gov p. 22 Minor planet orbital and physical elements
ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sats p. 24 Satellite orbital and physical elements
planetarynames.wr.usgs.gov/Page/Planets p. 25 Names of the satellites

p. 25 Martian moons locator
einstein.stanford.edu p. 28 CODATA physical constants
physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants p. 29 CODATA physical constants
iers.org/IERS/EN/Publications/Bulletins/bulletins.html p. 44 International Earth Rotation and

Reference Systems Service (IERS)
webexhibits.org/daylightsaving p. 45 Daylight Saving Time information
nrc-nrc.canada.ca/en/node/1325 p. 45 Canadian time zones
tinyurl.com/ybfjkjtz p. 47 Internet time service
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_day p. 47 Julian Date
unihedron.com p. 54 Unihedron Sky Quality Meter
clarkvision.com/visastro p. 57 Visual Astronomy
bbastrodesigns.com/visual.html p. 57 Visual Astronomy

p. 59 Spectacles for Spectacular Skies
www.rasc.ca/lpa/sqm-faq p. 68 Sky Quality Measurement Project
bogan.ca/astro/optics/maglimit.html p. 68 LTM – LVM relationship
astrobackyard.com/polar-alignment p. 71 Polar alignment
eclipsophile.com p. 73 Weather forecasts and maps
wunderground.com/maps/satellite/infrared p. 74 Infrared satellite images
weather.gc.ca/index_e.html?layers=,radar p. 75 RADAR loops for Canada
wunderground.com/radar p. 75 U.S. Interactive weather maps
weather.gc.ca/astro/clds_vis_e.html p. 75 Cloud forecast

p. 76 Aerosol envelope forecasts

p. 76 Transparency forecasts
weather.gc.ca/astro/seeing_e.html p. 77 Seeing forecast
weather.gc.ca/astro p. 78 Environment Canada website
weatherweb.net/wxwebastronomy.php p. 78 UK forecast
philhart.com/content/cloud-forecasts-astronomers p. 78 Australian forecast
www.accuweather.com p. 78 USA forecasts

p. 81 RASC Light-Pollution Abatement Committee
rasc.ca/sites/default/files/RASC-CGOL_2020_0.PDF p. 82 CGOL – Canadian Guidelines for Outdoor Lighting
darkskyparks.org/dark-skies-and-nature-conservation p. 82 Dark-Sky Parks
rasc.ca/lpa/dark-sky-sites p. 84 Canadian Dark-Sky Parks
rasc.ca/lpa—RASC LPA home page p. 84 RASC LPA Home page
rasc.ca/lpa/resources p. 84 RASC LPA resources
rasc.ca/lpa/application-and-cgol p. 84 RASC Application for Dark-Sky designation
rasc.ca/sites/default/files/obsform.pdf p. 86 Sample observing form
theawakenedeye.com/pages/the-way-of-nen p. 90 The Awakened Eye
www.youtube.com/shorts/CEmHs_s9CwE p. 90 Sketching the Moon
rasc.ca/moon-resources#:~:tex p. 90 Moon Reources
rasc.ca/astrosketchers-group p. 90 RASC Astrosketchers Group
www.rasc.ca/carol-lakomiaks-astrosketching-tutorials-moon p. 90 Carol Lakomiak’s lunar tutorial

p. 90 Carol Lakomiak’s solar tutorial
www.rasc.ca/sketch-galleries p. 90 RASC Sketch Galleries
www.rasc.ca/isabel-williamson-lunar-observing-program p. 90 Isabel Williamson Lunar Observing Program
www.astroleague.org/content/sketching-resources p. 90 Astronomical League Sketching Resources
skynews.ca/become-a-better-observer-sketch/ p. 90 Mark Bratton on Sketching
www.perezmedia.net/beltofvenus/archives/000567.html p. 90 Sketching Resources
astronomy.com/magazine/erika-rix p. 90 Erika Rix list of Sketching Articles
sites.google.com/site/astropipp p. 92 PIPP Software
www.irfanview.com p. 92 IrFanView
gimp.org p. 93 GIMP
adobe.com p. 93 Adobe Photoshop
diffractionlimited.com/product/maxim-dl p. 93 MaxIm DL
amazingsky.smugmug.com/NightscapesBook p. 93 Alan Dyer’sHow To Photograph and Process Nightscapes and Timelapses
www.cloudynights.com p. 93 Cloudy Nights online imaging forums
www.autostakkert.com p. 93 Autostakkert image-stacking and processing freeware
astronomie.be/registax p. 93 RegiStax image-stacking and processing freeware
deepskystacker.free.fr p. 93 DeepSkyStacker image-stacking and registration freeware
astropix.com p. 93 Catching the Light, astrophotography page
lex.sk.ca/astro p. 93 Tenho Tuomi’s Observatory
www.rasc.ca/astro-imaging-certificate p. 93 Astroimaging Certificate Program
rascastroimaging.zenfolio.com/imagegalleries p. 93 Astroimaging Galleries
www.sharplesscatalog.com/sharpless.aspx p. 93 Sharplesss Catalog for narrowband
ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons p. 95 JPL Horizons ephemerides
EclipseWise.com p. 125 Solar and lunar eclipse figures
www.EclipseWise.com/lunar/LEsaros/LEsaros113.html p. 126 Saros 113 details

p. 126 Penumbral lunar eclipse of 2024 Mar. 25 details
www.EclipseWise.com/solar/SEcirc/2001-2100/SE2024Apr08Tcirc.html p. 130 2024 Apr. 08 Total Solar Eclipse circular
www.EclipseWise.com /solar/SEgmapx/2001-2100/SE2024Apr08Tgmapx.html p. 130 2024 Apr. 08 Total Solar Eclipse Google map

p. 130 Saros 139 details
www.EclipseWise.com/solar/SEprime/2001-2100/SE2024Apr08Tprime.html p. 130 2024 Apr. 08 Total Solar Eclipse additional information
www.EclipseWise.com/lunar/LEsaros/LEsaros118.html p. 138 Saros 118 details
www.eclipsewise.com/lunar/LEprime/2001-2100/LE2024Sep18Pprime.html p. 132 Partial lunar eclipse of 2024 September 18 details
www.EclipseWise.com/solar/SEcirc/2001-2100/SE2024Oct02Acirc.html p. 138 2024 Oct. 2 Annular Solar Eclipse
www.EclipseWise.com/solar/SEgmapx/2001-2100/SE2024Oct02Agmapx.html p. 138 2024 Oct. 2 Annular Solar Eclipse Google map

p. 138 Saros 144 details
www.EclipseWise.com/solar/SEprime/2001-2100/SE2024Oct02Aprime.html p. 138 Annular Solar Eclipse of 2024 Oct. 2 circular
www.EclipseWise.com/solar/JSEX/JSEX-index.html p. 142 Javascript Solar Eclipse Explorer
www.EclipseWise.com/lunar/JLEX/JLEX-index.html p. 142 Javascript Lunar Eclipse Explorer
www.eclipsewise.com/oh/ec2025.html p. 143 Details on 2025 eclipses
MrEclipse.com/MrEclipse.html p. 143 Eclipse photography and observing tips
wms.lroc.asu.edu/lroc p. 149 Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter mosaic
rasc.ca/supplements p. 150 Blank chart for Moonrise/Moonset Correction
rasc.ca/isabel-williamson-lunar-observing-program p. 161 Lunar-observing certificate program
rasc.ca/observing/explore-the-moon-observing-certificate p. 161 Explore the Moon Certificate program
rasc.ca/sites/default/files/IMG_3942.PNG p. 161 Lunar features named for women
poyntsource.com/IOTAmanual/Preview.htm p. 162 IOTA Manual
occultations.org p. 162 International Occultation Timing Association
occultations.org/about-us/iota-membership p. 163 IOTA membership information
occultations.org/community/international-iota-sections p. 163 International IOTA Sections

p. 163 Canadian topographical maps
nationalmap.gov/ustopo p. 163 USGS maps
occultations.org/observing/reporting-observations p. 163 Reporting procedures
occultations.org/publications/rasc/2024/nam24grz.htm p. 163 Graze maps
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_cycle_25 p. 184 Solar Cycle 25
aavso.org/solar p. 184 AAVSO solar programs

p. 184 Solar Cycle updates and predictions

p. 184 Alpine Astronomical Solar Observation site
alpo-astronomy.org/solarblog p. 184 ALPO solar astronomy site
atoptics.co.uk/blog/tiltingsun-software/ p. 184 Solar-tilt software site
britastro.org p. 184 BAA solar site
halpha.nso.edu p. 184 H-Alpha Network Monitor
parkersolarprobe.jhuapl.edu p. 184 Parker Solar Probe
oneminuteastronomer.com/999/choose-solar-filter p. 184 Choosing a solar filter
petermeadows.com/html/stonyhurst.html p. 184 Stonyhurst disks
radiojove.gsfc.nasa.gov p. 184 Solar and Planetary Astronomy for Schools
sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov p. 184 Solar Dynamics Observatory site
sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov p. 184 Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
solarham.net p. 184 Solar page for Ham Radio VE3EN
spaceweatherwoman.com p. 184 Dr. Tamitha Skov—Heliosphere Physicist
stce.be p. 184 Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence—Belgium
swpc.noaa.gov p. 184 Space Weather Prediction Center
Space Weather Live—Real-time auroral and solar activity p. 184 Space Weather—Real-time auroral and solar activity
https://atoptics.co.uk/blog/3rd-and-4th-order-rainbows/ p. 193 Higher-ordered rainbows
atoptics.co.uk p. 200 Atmospheric Optics
meteoros.de/haloe.htm p. 200 All about halos
philiplaven.com/index1.html p. 200 Water-drop optics

p. 208 Cleaning optics S&T article
wikihow.com/Observe-Mars p. 209 Sketching Mars
jupos.privat.t-online.de p. 221 Great Red Spot transit calculator

p. 221 Great Red Spot transit calculator
stellarium.org p. 233 Saturn’s satellites (MacOS, Linux, and Windows)
iau.org/public/themes/pluto/ p. 237 IAU Pluto decision

p. 240 Asteroid orbital elements

p. 243 Occultation Observing Primer

p. 243 Drift/Scan method
arxiv.org/abs/2307.13530 p. 244 Occultations by the outer planets through to 2050

p. 244 Occultations by planets and their moons in 2024

p. 246 Main-belt Asteroidal occultations 2024
www.asteroidoccultation.com p. 246 Steve Preston’s asteroidal occultation website

p. 246 Interactive maps

p. 246 Occult Watcher software
occultations.org/ publications/rasc/2023/

p. 246 2023 Asteroids, Comets, and Meteors Conference

p. 248 Near-Earth Asteroidal occultations

p. 248 Occultations by hazardous MBAs

p. 248 Occultations by Special MBAs in 2024

p. 250 Occultations by Trojan Asteroids

p. 250 SwRI 2024 Lucy campaign

p. 250 Lucky Star Project 2024 campaign

p. 251 Occultation by NEA Tantalus Observed on 2023 May 7

p. 252 Meteor shower naming conventions
www.capitalastronomers.org/SD_year/2022/StarDust_2022_05.pdf p. 252 NCA’s May 2022 issue of Stardust
aquarid.physics.uwo.ca/ p. 255 Fireball observations for North America
globalmeteornetwork.org p. 255 Global Meteor Reports

p. 256 North American Fireball Reports

p. 256 Global Fireball Reports
globalmeteornetwork.org p. 256 Global Meteor Network
ualberta.ca/science/meteorites/index.html p. 257 University of Alberta meteorite website
meteoritical.org/meteorites/meteorite-names p. 257 Nomenclature Committee of the Meteoritical Society
lpi.usra.edu/meteor p. 257 Meteoritical Bulletin database

p. 258 Lunar meteorites

p. 258 Martian meteorites

p. 258 Martian meteorites
meteoritical.org/meteorites/meteorite-names p. 259 Meteorite naming conventions
passc.net/EarthImpactDatabase p. 260 Meteorite crater database
minorplanetcenter.net/iau/Ephemerides/Comets p. 264 Comet ephemerides
icq.eps.harvard.edu/CometMags.html p. 264 Comet magnitudes
minorplanetcenter.net/iau/MPEph/MPEph.html p. 264 Comet orbital elements
minorplanetcenter.net/iau/lists/CometResolution p. 267 Comet designation convention
cbat.eps.harvard.edu/cometnameg p. 267 Comet naming convention
phys.unm.edu/~tw/spectra/mk.html p. 282 Spectra classification
ned.ipac.caltech.edu/level5/Gray/frames.html p. 282 Richard Gray’s Digital Spectral Classification Atlas
appstate.edu/~grayro/MK/winmk.htm p. 282 Digital Spectral Comparisons (Windows)
appstate.edu/~grayro/spectrum/ftp/download.html p. 282 Digital Spectral Comparisons (Linux)
rspec-astro.com/star-analyser/ p. 282 Star Analyser
astrosurf.com/buil/index.html p. 282 Spectroscopy examples
rspec-astro.com/sample-projects/ p. 282 Spectroscopy examples
www.aavso.org/spectroscopy-observing-section p. 282 AAVSO Spectroscopy section

p. 282 AAVSO Observing Campaigns
recons.org p. 285 RECONS database
jdso.org p. 289 Electronic journal for double-star observing
rasc.ca/double-stars p. 289 RASC Double Stars Observing Program
tdc-www.harvard.edu/catalogs/sao.html p. 294 SAO Star Catalog
aavso.org/vsx p. 297 Eclipsing binaries database
rr-lyr.irap.omp.eu/dbrr/index.php p. 297 RR Lyr Database
www.aavso.org/vstar p. 301 AAVSO Variable-Star Plotter
snews2.org p. 304 Supernova Early Warning System
rasc.ca/certificate-programs p. 306 RASC Certificate Programs
rasc.ca/astro-imaging-certificate p. 306 RASC Astroimaging Certificate Program
clarkvision.com/ p. 307 Star size and surface brightness
tinyurl.com/3uaulcb/ p. 310 Cluster size
scyon.univie.ac.at/links.html p. 311 Open Clusters lists
physics.mcmaster.ca/~harris/mwgc.dat p. 310 Globular cluster data

p. 310 M92 as a chandelier
rasc.ca/handbook/supplements p. 319 Dark nebulae information
rasc.ca/david-h-levy-logbooks p. 322 David Levy Logbooks
nedipac.caltech.edu/level5 p. 332 NED compilation
https://github.com/ccera-astro p. 338 Canadian Centre for Experimental Radio Astronomy
radio-astronomy.org p. 338 Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers

Web Resources for the USA Edition

Listing of Web Resources, where they differ, for the 2024 USA Edition of the Observer’s Handbook

acadianightskyfestival.org p. 11 Acadia Night Sky Festival—Bar Harbor, Maine
fi.edu/en/exhibits-and-experiences/fels-planetarium p. 11 Franklin Institute Bloom Observatory—Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
astrohbg.org p. 12 Naylor Observatory—Lewisberry/Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
www.facebook.com/CherrySpringsStarParty p. 12 Cherry Springs Star Party—Cherry Springs S.P., Coudersport, PA
chaosastro.org/starparty p. 12 Staunton River Star Party—Halifax County, Virginia
ahsp.org p. 12 Almost Heaven Star Party—Spruce Knob, West Virginia
greenbankstarquest.org p. 12 Green Bank Star Quest—Green Bank, West Virginia
pitt.edu/~aobsvtry p. 12 Allegheny Observatory—Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
scas.org/winter-star-party p. 12 Winter Star Party Winter Star Party—Camp Wesumkee, Florida
mvas.org/mvas_wp p. 12 Apollo Rendezvous—John Bryan State Park, Ohio
rainwaterobservatory.org p. 12 Midsouth Star Gaze—French Camp, Mississippi
bootlegastronomy.com p. 12 Bootleg Star Party— Green River State Wildlife Area, Illinois

p. 12 Macalester Observatory—St. Paul, Minnesota
sas-sky.org p. 12 Illinois Dark Sky Star Party—Jim Edgar Panther Creek FWA
askc.org/events/hoasp p. 12 Heart of America Star Party—Butler, Missouri
nebraskastarparty.org p. 12 Nebraska Star Party—Valentine, Nebraska
okie-tex.com p. 12 Okie-Tex Star Party—Camp Billy Joe, Oklahoma
texasstarparty.org p. 12 Texas Star Party—Fort Davis, Texas
mcdonaldobservatory.org p. 12 McDonald Observatory—Fort Davis, Texas
rmss.org p. 12 Rocky Mountain Star Stare—Gardner, Colorado
apo.nmsu.edu p. 12 Apache Point Observatory—Sunspot, New Mexico
enchantedskies.org p. 12 Enchanted Skies Star Party—Magdalena, New Mexico
ifastro.org p. 12 Craters of the Moon Star Party—Craters of the Moon, New Mexico
bigskyastroclub.org p. 13 Logan Pass Star Party—West Glacier, Montana
boiseastro.org/event-4996997 p. 13 Idaho Star Party—Bruneau Dunes State Park, Idaho
www.oasisatdeathvalley.com/plan/stargazing p. 13 Death Valley Dark Sky Festival—Death Valley, California
goldenstatestarparty.org p. 13 Golden State Star Party—Bieber, California
dmns.org p. 14 Denver Museum of Nature and Science—Denver
frostscience.org p. 14 Frost Museum of Science—Miami
slco.org/clark-planetarium p. 14 Clark Planetarium—Salt Lake City
www.astroleague.org p. 18 Astronomical League website
astrosociety.org/education-outreach p. 18 Astronomical Society of the Pacific
astrosociety.org/education-outreach/eclipse.html p. 18 Astronomical Society of the Pacific 2024 Eclipse page
www.exploratorium.edu p. 18 Exploratorium
astro4edu.org/resources p. 18 International Astronomical Union: Educational resources
time.gov p. 45 U.S. Time Zones