2018 April

This page is preserved here as part of the RASC's Digital Archives. Some information may be out of date.

2018-04-23 Management Group

Executive Director Randy Attwood, Colin H., and Paul M. started a management group to get the project rolling. 


2018-04-13 Getting good advice

Past president and astronomer David Lane shared some phenomenal advice on how to avoid problems, likely issues we will face, and offered his support and guidance. Colin H picked his brain for the better part of a couple hours, and Dave was his usual generous self, and pointed out many pitfalls and shared his experiences running the Abbey Ridge Observatory and the Burke-Gaffney Observatory at St. Mary's University.  There were some valuable lessons learned.


2018-04-11 Informal kick-off

RASC president Colin Haig and astronomer & computer scientist Paul Mortfield met to work through the practical aspects of getting this project done. We have a lot of work ahead of us.

See the Telescope Origins link for more info on how this got going.

Last modified: 
Thursday, January 7, 2021 - 10:23pm