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An active Ottawa Centre member and visual discoverer of four comets. He received the Chant Medal in 1979.
A supervisor at CP Rail and an active member of CFM and SAM. Service Award 1979. Multiple international honours.
Longtime physicist at Acadia University, active on National Council. Handbook editor (1982-2000). Service Award 1988.
A horticulturist and active asteroid, comet and variable star observer. Chilton Prize 1983, Chant Medal 1988.
Toronto Centre member, active on National Council, author of Looking Up. Service Award 1987.
Victoria Centre member and avid astrophotographer, speaker, writer. Chant Medal 1989.
Engineer at Ontario Hydro and a Toronto Centre member. Chant Medal recipient for 1950.
Hamilton Centre telescope maker. Chant Medal 1949.
Served on Hamilton Centre council for 38 years. Service Award 1968.
Ariadaeus Rill (Hyginus Rill on right). 8 reflector at 180x. Sketched by Lorne Jewitt (Toronto Centre) on 1960 May 2 at 1:00 UT. Col. 341.17°. Willowdale, Ontario.
Photo published in JRASC, 1962.