- catalogue number: 17.2019124;
- name of artifact: Rogers-Zeglinski 12-inch f/8 reflector;
- date of production: 1926-1929;
- materials of manufacture: optical glass, coatings, copper alloys, steels, iron, hardwood (oak), softwood, plastic, paper, paint;
- maker: H.L. (Henry Launder) Rogers (1887-1955), restored by Joseph Zeglinski, 1967/1970 (primary re-silvered by Jerry Longworth in the DDO vacuum chamber), and 2019;
- provenance:
- H.L. Rogers, Toronto ON;
- purchased by Joe Zeglinski in 1966 from the widow of J.(?) Rogers, H.L. Rogers’ son;
- donated by Joe Zeglinski in 2019;
- condition: excellent;
- notes: This is a monumental survival from the beginning of the golden age of the amateur telescope maker (ATM) in Canada. Note use of a golf club for the RA slow motion rod. According to Joe Zeglinski, Rogers' optics are excellent, and delivered memorably superb views of Jupiter, and M42;
- literature:
- C.A. Chant, “Notes and Queries”, JRASC 23, 3 (1929 March), 144-145, at p. 145;
- Albert Ingalls, “The Amateur Astronomer”, Scientific American (1929 October), 354;
- E.J.A. Kennedy, “Toronto”, JRASC 24, 3 (1930 March), 117-118, at p. 118;
- Albert Ingalls et al., Amateur Telescope Making, I, 3rd ed. (New York: Scientific American Publishing Co., 1933), p. 354.
- R.A. Rosenfeld, "Russell W. Porter, Albert G. Ingalls, and RASC Amateur Telescope Makers (ATMs)", JRASC 105, 1 (2011 February), 25-33.

Rogers-Zeglinski 12-inch f/8 Reflector
Exhibit Number:
Exhibit Name:
Rogers-Zeglinski 12-inch f/8 Reflector
Production Circa:
Production Year:
Exhibit Thumbnail: