AGM 2024


Annual General Meeting

of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada

Sunday June 23, 2024
13:00 - 16:00 EDT
10:00 - 13:00 PDT

The AGM is open to all active members of the RASC. To register for the Annual General Meeting, click here. You must be logged into your member account.

The meeting will take place virtually via Zoom.




1. Call to Order - Approval of the Agenda (13:00 EDT)

2. Approval of Minutes of the 2023 Annual General Meeting (13:05)

(Draft Minutes Linked Here)

3. Report of the President (13:10)

4. Reports of Officers (13:25)

Secretary (Eric Briggs), Treasurer (Stuart Heggie)

5. Presentation and Approval of Audited 2023 Financial Statements (13:40)

6. Reports of the National Council and Permanent Committees (14:00)

(Please refer to the written Annual Report 2023 for committee and centre reports)

The National Council (Judy Black, chair)
AstroImaging (Kimberly Sibbald), Awards (Charles Ennis), Constitution (Brendon Roy), Education (Lauri Roche), Editorial Board (Dr. Chris Gainor), History (Randall Rosenfeld), Inclusivity and Diversity (Charles Ennis), Information Technology (Jenna Hinds), Light-Pollution Abatement (Bob King), NextGen RASC (Ivan Tockovski), Nominating (Betty Robinson), Observing (Emma MacPhee)

7. Reports of Other Committees (15:15)

Dorner Telescope Museum (Randall Rosenfeld), Solar Eclipse (Victoria Kramkowski)

8. Election of Directors (15:30)

Candidate Statement 1

Candidate Statement 2

Candidate Statement 3

9. Election of Auditor (15:45)

10. Other Business (15:55)

11. Adjournment (16:00)



Last modified: 
Monday, June 17, 2024 - 11:27am