GA History

thumbnail image In 1960, the Society's annual meeting became known as the "General Assembly." It is held in a different city each year, typically alternating between eastern and western Canada every couple of years (i.e. two east, two west).

Use the controls below to choose a range of years and/or hosting centre/location to list past General Assemblies. Click on the year to visit the page for a particular GA.

Year Hosting Centre(s)
1980 Halifax
1979 London
1978 Edmonton
1977 Toronto
1976 Calgary
1975 Halifax
1974 Winnipeg
1973 Ottawa
1972 Vancouver, Victoria
1971 Hamilton, Niagara


Joint Meetings

GA Location Partner(s)
2019 Toronto AAVSO
2007 Calgary AAVSO, ALPO
1999 Toronto AAVSO, ASP
1988 Victoria ASP, WAA
1983 Québec AAVSO, AGAA
1974 Winnipeg AAVSO
1965 Toronto AAVSO
AGM Location Partner(s)
1957 Montreal AAVSO
Last modified: 
Saturday, February 13, 2021 - 12:01pm